If you dial in some other value, then you're going to get a different kind of mix.

So we're seeing 50% of the selected image and we're revealing 50% of that purple gradient in the background. At 50%, we end up with a kind of 50/50 mix. All right so notice if I click on a word opacity, then I'll highlight the value at a 100%, it is a 100% opaque. So pass the value right there, if you can't see it, for some reason, you can expand the panel by clicking on this double arrow icon a few times. All right, now notice even when the panel is collapsed, as it is right now, we can see this. As we can see over here to the right of the window. If it has a check mark in front of it, that means it's already up on screen. But just so that we have unfettered access to that panel, I'm going to go up to the window menu and I recommend you do this as well and choose the transparency command. We've got a list of blend modes right here, and then we've got no past the mass function, both of which we'll take a look at in future movies. You can click on the word opacity up here in the control panel in order to bring up what's actually known as the transparency panel, inside of illustrator. The only problem with that is there really, isn't such a panel inside of illustrator. All right, now you may recall if you watch the live action introduction that I said that blend modes and opacity masks live together in the opacity panel. And then you can go ahead and switch back to the single column toolbox if you like. And then finally you want to click on the drawn normal icon once again, located at the bottom of the toolbox.

In order to paste the image into the path outline. Next, You want to go to the edit menu and choose paste in place. Then you want to select the path outline and the easiest way to put the photograph inside of it is in my case to switch to the two column toolbox and then drop down to this draw inside icon and click on it.
And then I'll go ahead and select this place Photograph by clicking on it and I'll press Ctrl+X or command X on the Mac to cut it to the clipboard. All right, I'll go ahead and put that back by pressing Ctrl+Z or command Z on a Mac. Now I just want you to see that this path outline here has no fill and a black one point stroke. Then I'll go ahead and press Ctrl+Shift A or command shift A on the Mac to de-select my artwork. And then I'll go up to the object menu, choose clipping mask and choose release in, order to expose the original photograph. So I'm going to start things off just by clicking inside this woman's face and notice that she's surrounded by a path outline. We first discussed clipping masks back in chapter 23 of the advanced course, but because clipping masks are a transparency tool, that is to say, they allow you to define what's opaque, and then what's transparent. Now notice that I've masked the photograph. And then in the background, we have a big rectangle filled with a radial gradient. We have a lot of layers, but just two of them are currently turned on. Now I want you to notice what's going on here. All right, so I'm going to start things off here by deleting this Dreamstime layer, which I can do just by selecting it and clicking on the little trash icon, in the bottom right corner of the layers panel, and then I'll click the yes button in order to make it. Now you'd be glad to know that I've drawn all the path outlines in advance, so that we can focus all of our attention on blend modes and opacity masks. Now, zoom, this far out, this effect might look a little choppy, but as soon as we zoom in things smooth out quite nicely. And we'll wrap things up by tattooing her face. Over the course of this chapter, we're going to take this place photograph from the Dreamstime image library, about what you can learn more and get some great deals And we'll turn her into this kind of fashion treatment here. And I'll also introduce you to a few keystrokes that are available to those of you who loaded D keys, because they're going to make your life way easier. Over the course of this movie, I'll show you how you can vary the translucency of an object by adjusting its opacity setting.